P.O. Box 332, Chouteau, OK 74337
Phone: (918) 476-8222

Chamber Working For You
The Chouteau Area Chamber of Commerce meets at noon on the third Thursday of every month at Pizza Corral, 1304 S. Chouteau Ave, Chouteau OK. Any changes to this schedule will be posted on the Chamber Facebook page at Facebook.com/Chouteau-Chamber-of-Commerce
The Chouteau Area Chamber of Commerce is a 501c non-profit, local organization of business owners and employees. The Chamber is organized to encourage and promote positive, balanced business and industrial support, growth and retention for the Chouteau and surrounding area.
The Chamber focuses on three prime areas:
1. Support for Member Businesses - Chamber is committed to helping provide area businesses with key information, training and assistance to help their businesses be more successful.
2. Local Business Advocate - Chamber will act as an advocate on behalf of the business community in regards to supporting or driving issues relating to economic, civil, commercial, industrial and educational growth for the area.
3. Community Support - Chamber supports area community efforts and activities on behalf of those member businesses with particular focus on those areas that encourage business traffic and revenue.
Chamber members elect a leadership board to lead Chamber meetings, coordinate the creation of various Chamber committies, guide outreach to new businesses, drive new membership, and explore opportunities to help drive local economic development.

Chouteau Chamber of Commerce
P.O. Box 332
Chouteau, OK 74337
Phone: (918) 476-8222
Meetings are at noon on the third Thursday of every month at the Chouteau Town Hall at 111 South Lewis St, Chouteau, OK.